Ahmednagar Sahodaya School Complex Meet 2023

DATE: 05/08/2023

TIME: 12:00 NOON



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Ø Welcome Address

Ø Lightening of Lamp & Felicitation

Ø Address by President, Sahodaya Mrs Dipika Nagarwalla

Ø Session on TAT (Speaker- Mrs.Shalini Bhalla)

Ø Session on Financial Literacy (Speaker-Mrs. Kavitha Krishnamurthy Singh)

Ø Session on Future Education (Speaker- Mrs. Reshu Aggrawal)

Ø Address by Hon. Mrs. Aradhana Rana

Ø Vote of Thanks


The following points were discussed

1. Address by the president- Mrs. Dipika Nagarawala spoke about the benefits of collaborated workshops and training for the school. With the consent of all members, Mrs. Namrata Ohri was nominated as the Secretary of Sahodaya

2. Mrs. Nutan Mishra shared details of accounts.

3. Mrs.Shalini Bhalla took an online session on TAT- Teachers Attitude Test. She joined with has from Gujarat.

4. Session was taken by Mrs. Kavitha Krishnamurthy Singh on Financial Literacy. She spoke on how it should be included as an interdisciplinary subject.

5. Mrs. Reshu Aggrawal took a session on Future Education and how not to limit our understanding of Futuristic Education to technology.

6. Mrs. Aradhana Rana address the conclave on the importance of synergized and collaborated efforts by all institutions to make Ahmednagar an Educational Hub.

7. Discussion round was initiated on Potential Curriculum Enhancement and on associated improvement in Education in all institutions members of the Ahmednagar Sahodaya chapter.

The Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm after a Vote of Thanks by the host.