Mrs. Dipika Nagarwalla

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step….
As the president of The Ahmednagar Sahodaya School Complex, I feel honoured and priviliged to have the opportunity to lead and join hands with like minded CBSE school leaders in the city of Ahmednagar.
Sahodaya School Complexes is a concept initiated by CBSE to facilitate synergy of ideas, sharing of innovative practices in experiences and to work jointly for scholastic as well as co-scholastic excellence
Broadly, the Six areas that have been identified, to begin with, for collaboration amongst the schools are -
· Educative Management
· Evaluation
· Human Resource Mobilization
· Professional Growth of Teachers
· Value-Oriented School Climate
· Vocationalisation of Education

ONE is better than one’
One team is better than one person. A group of twenty two can accomplish more than what one can. Its when those twenty two work together as a team …. magic happens. As independent schools, over the years all of us have been able to create a niche for ourselves and have been successful at improving the levels of education for the students under our care. We all have our very own strengths and individual identities.
Let’s derive from them and contribute to making Ahmednagar schools dynamic, exuberant and progressive.
Let’s make our presence beyond the geographical boundaries of the city.
Let’s make magic….

Dipika Nagarwalla


The Icon Public School Ahmednagar