1. Sahodaya School Complex is a concept literally meaning ‘rising together’. It came into existence in the year 1986, to facilitate synergy of ideas among the school of CBSE, for excellence in education. Sahodaya School of complex is a group of neighborhood schools voluntarily coming to share their innovative practices in all aspects of school education including curriculum design, evaluation, and pedagogy and also providing support services for teachers and students.

2. Sahodaya concept is developed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) New Delhi in 1986, functioning under the aegis of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. It is a unique platform for all CBSE affiliated Schools to share their experience and to work jointly for scholastic as well as co-scholastic excellence

3. Sahodaya School Complexes” (SSCs) are a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, agree to come together for a systematic and system-wide renewal of the total educational process. Six areas are identified, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:

• Educative Management

• Evaluation

• Human Resource Mobilization

• Professional Growth of Teachers

• Value-Oriented School Climate

• Vocationalisation of Education


46/2, Station Rd, Ahmednagar – 414001. Contact - 8459833554

ahmednagarsahodaya2021@gmail.com     www.ahmednagarsahodaya.com


  1. Budgeting, Procurement, Accounts and Audit form very important aspects of financial management and administration of any establishment or committee. The need for sound philosophy for budgeting, meticulous care in accounting, as well as periodic auditing is, therefore, obvious. Financial Management and accounting of funds is the foremost responsibility of Treasurer and the Executive body of the committee. Adherence to the correct procedure, transparency and probity are the principles of handling any funds. The basic philosophy is that all the financial and material transactions made and, every paisa spent or received, must be accounted for and open to scrutiny at any time by anybody. The guidelines given in succeeding paragraphs highlight the important aspects of Financial Management of ASSC.

  2. Accounts

i) The Treasurer School should open a bank account in a Nationalized Bank, e.g SBI under the name, Ahmednagar Sahodaya School Complex in August 2021.

ii) The account is being operated jointly by the two office bearers – the President and the Treasurer.

iii) The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the cash of the ASSC and shall deal with all cash transactions sanctioned in writing by the President.

iv) The member school has to pay the yearly registration fee of Rs 2500/- (Two thousand and five hundred only). The membership amount needs to be deposited within three months of academic year. Receipts will be prepared by the Treasurer and shared with the member schools as soft copy and hard copy (during the meets).

v) The transactions for ASSC should only be done through Online Cash Transactions either through NEFT or Electronic Fund Transfers to the Account details mentioned in Point no (i).

vi) All the information of ASSC is put up on website for everyone’s perusal. However, WhatsApp may be the medium of communication.

vii) ASSC gets a deposit of approximately, Rs 50000/- as Annual Subscription amount. Two Sahodaya Meetings in the offline mode may be conducted every year for all the members of ASSC. Rs 1200/- is proposed to be budgeted for each meeting.

viii) Two major events to be conducted every year for all the member schools of ASSC. It is proposed that a maximum of Rs 15000/- each would be budgeted for the host school for organizing the event. This takes into consideration the number of days the event is conducted for and the number of schools participating in the event. The expenditure which is not budgeted will be borne by the host school.

ix) Preparation of an action plan for the whole year in consultation with all the members shall be done in the beginning of the academic year. Budget shall be presented by Treasurer in the beginning of the academic year wherein the list of events proposed by schools should also be included. Member schools should put up the list of events which they would like to host by stipulated time (say by May).

x) Any other event which is not proposed in the Budget but needs to be conducted on need basis, should be put for approval by the Host school, stating the expected expenditure for the same. Simple majority from all Sahodaya members will be considered for approval. The expenditure incurred must be submitted to the treasurer within a month of the event and proper bills signed by the Principal/Director of the host school should be put up to the treasurer.

xi) Expenditure for Training of teachers to be completely delinked from the Sahodaya Account. The Host school may charge registration fees from the participating teachers on need basis.

xii) All payments will preferably be made by cheque. Cheques for the expenditure sanctioned by the ASSC/Executive Committee will be signed by the President and the Treasurer.

xiii) Details of expenditure incurred and the status of the funds in Sahodaya Account will be put up to the ASSC members in the Sahodaya Meetings. The account should be audited annually and details circulated to all the members.

  1. Conclusion

The accounts will be managed strictly as per the policies, guidelines and SOP of ASSC. All documents related to Financial Management will be kept updated at all times. Utmost transparency will be ensured to manage the finances and expenditures.


Mrs. Nutan Mishra


Army Public School, Ahmednagar

C.C. to –

1. Dipika Nagarwalla, President, ASSC.

2. Namrata Ohri, Secretary, ASSC.

3. All members of ASSC.