The membership is open for all CBSE affiliated schools, situated in the said area of operation of the complex.
A. Enrollment:-
The principal of the affiliated school has to apply to the Secretary of the complex in the prescribed format for becoming a member of the complex along with the document of CBSE Affiliation of the School. On receiving the application, the secretary shall process the request. The list of new members would be placed for consideration in the subsequent executive committee meeting.
B. Annual fee/Special contribution:-
The Sahodaya school Complex must have regular source of funds which may be raised in the form of membership fee, Annual fee and other sources as no financial assistance is available from CBSE.
1. A school on admission to ASSC is required to pay a yearly subscription fee of Rs. 2500/- which is also treated as the Membership Fee.
2. 1. The complex however may ask for special contribution for the conduct of different kinds of programmes such as Annual Sahodaya Sports Meet, Regional Sahodaya Sports meet, National/ Regional conferences and Meets etc.
3. The period of annual subscription shall be the financial year from 01st April to 31st March.
4. The membership will stand automatically cancelled if the “Annual fees” is not paid for more than a year even after issuance of notice.
5. Not-withstanding anything contained in the constitution, no member with any arrears of any kind of payment shall be nominated/ elected for any post of ASSC.

C. The ASSC Year:-
The complex formal year shall start from 1st April and close by 31st March of the following year. The annual fee should be paid by the member schools latest by 20th June of the New Year.
D. New memberships:-
The new school can apply any time during the year as mentioned under 7.3 but the full annual fee will be applicable.
E. Cessation of Membership:-
The membership will cease in the following ways.
1. Submitting application by the head of the School for withdrawal
2. Acting against the interest of Sahodaya.
1. Not attending 3 (three) consecutive meetings in a year. The notice of termination of membership shall be communicated to the concerned member in writing after which the said member shall have the right to explain the circumstances to Executive Committee of Sahodaya in this regard.
The decision of Executive Committee of Sahodaya will be final.